The Energy Cities Program began on May 9 with the support of relevant companies in the energy sector such as Pampa Energía, Genneia, DESA and Aconcagua Energía. In a collaborative manner, teams from 10 local governments will work together to solve public challenges regarding energy transition in the selected cities. 

The cities that will be part of the program are: Plaza Huincul (Neuquén), Cutral Co (Neuquén), Junín (Buenos Aires), Bahía Blanca (Buenos Aires), Tandil (Buenos Aires), General Arenales (Buenos Aires), Alberti (Buenos Aires), Malargüe (Mendoza), Luján de Cuyo (Mendoza), and Puerto Madryn (Chubut). 

The objective of the Program is to support local government teams in designing a comprehensive energy transition strategy focused on environmental sustainability, energy equity, and resilience and adaptation to climate change.

During this year, RIL, together with the government teams, will develop a comprehensive diagnosis of the state of the city's situation with respect to the issue, identify opportunities for improvement, and work on an action plan to solve the city's public challenge.

The challenge will be to know what the implications of the energy transition are in each city and what are the limitations and potentialities. The products that the cities are expected to reach will be the strategic guidelines for energy transition on the one hand, and the design of a sectoral public policy on the other. To this end, different stages will be followed from which the strategy to become an Energy City will be shaped.

For RIL, public-private articulation is a key and strategic element to achieve the program's objectives. This will be possible thanks to the partner companies that will accompany the cities throughout the year to solve the challenges and improve the quality of life of its inhabitants.

To learn more about the program click here.