Efficient cities are cities whose management is evidence-driven; cities that transform data into information and then transform that information into knowledge that helps governments make the best decisions possible.

They are cities that plan, set clear objectives and define the metrics that will allow them to evaluate their progress, and which have the capacity to make the necessary adjustments when they stray off course.

They are cities that set up teams and distribute responsibilities effectively among those team members who have the capability to lead change processes.

They are cities which, through the use of the right tools, can allocate public resources in such a way as to increase the impact of their budget.

To support the cities along this process, we have developed methodologies and tools that help them maximize their potential. In this way, we encourage each local government to implement comprehensive, coherent and efficient policies that will result in them meeting the objectives set.

With these tools, we seek to provide the local governments with a roadmap to navigate the complexities of management, paving the way towards the objectives each city wishes to meet.

The tools of the Efficient Cities Program are as follows:

Self-diagnosis Tools


Management Dashboards


Management Methodologies


Efficient Cities in numbers:
